We chose to become expert in the area of BRIM – Brand, Reputation, and Image Management. We resisted the temptation to be a one-stop shop for all things.
We prefer to be mavens in our field rather than jack of all trades.
History of ORM, SEO, SERPS, also known as BRIM – Brand Reputation and Image Management.
Our parent company was formed in 2002 and came about from our frustration of dealing with companies providing online services such as search engine optimization, online reputation manipulation, lead generation, sales and marketing. In the dark ages of the noughties (2000 – 2009), many companies were formed by enterprising people with varying degrees of knowledge of a then fledgling industry.
At one end of the scale, there were some who started with excellent knowledge (for that time) and relatively high integrity, wishing to provide a service to enable others from almost every industry to have a dominating presence online.
At the other end of the scale, others were opportunist, with minimal knowledge, questionable integrity, wishing to ride the bucking bronco of a brand new industry and to make as much money as they could for as long as was possible until the contract was ended by the client.
To be extremely frank, neither end of the scale provided a good job. If you associate the benchmarks to the scale as The Good, The Bad, and yep… you have guessed it… The Ugly, then this was the experience to be had.

A famous story about The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

The Ugly are at their ugliest doing absolutely nothing of any constructive good for clients.
They literally appear to simply take money and do nothing, zero results, zero movement, and have a damn good story to keep the client in “Pay Mode”.
They are primal sales people who have found a niche where they can ply their confidence trickery and entice innocent yet needy companies and website owners into paying for a service which simply doesn’t get delivered.
“The best place to hide a dead body is page two of Google results.”

The Bad are like The Ugly, insofar that desired results are as rare as hens’ teeth, with one further complication; they are not necessarily just out to take the money. The Bad over promise, under deliver, and grossly over-rate their abilities. Some of the work that they do (yes – they do some work in some cases!) is actually more damaging than beneficial.
They tend to have one or even a handful of out-dated strategies, which have since been blocked or at least flagged by the master search engines, including the almighty Google as being “spammy” or “artificial manipulators” and so if these methods are identified as being used, the search engines kill the site. Use or over-use of such methods can and does punish a website’s performance, putting you back even further than you were before you took The Bad on board.
That is why they are bad – they are pretending to be so all-powerful and knowledgeable. They are not!
“Bad search results can happen to good people.”

Now The Good are as the label suggests – they are good. They have the elementary knowledge of working in conjunction with the algorithms in force to deliver better results. They work at it and achieve some impressive search result positions. The issues are two fold. Firstly they do not specialise in positioning. They want your website business, your hosting, your email marketing, your content writing and the reputation management is really just their foot in the door to get all the other business that they actually want.
The ORM is something of a loss leader for them. Second issue comes from the fact that they lack business acumen; they have had little experience in the field, their imagination runs a little two dimensional. So as long as you are prepared to babysit and feed every idea and concept to them in little bite-size chunks then you might get the results. If you are looking to be able to hand over a bag of problems and expect them to sort it out then you will be wasting your time generally. If you are awaiting a presentation of sensational fresh ideas and concepts, please do not hold your breath.
You will need to become expert yourself so that you can figure out what it is that you want to be done and then explain it to the minions. They tend to be able to deliver exactly what you order – providing you order exactly. Anything left to the imagination will be just that – left! It simply won’t get done, and you have no recourse due to the fact that you didn’t specify how it was to be done.
Having spent thousands of dollars per month for a number of years on companies that have provided a service where each one fell into one of the three categories above, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, we solved our own needs and desires and at the same time identified that what we have done for ourselves was filling a niche that many companies were crying out for a solution.
We chose to become expert in the area of BRIM – Brand, Reputation, and Image Management. We resisted the temptation to be a one-stop shop for all things. We prefer to be mavens in our field rather than jack of all trades.

Contact us today for a no-obligation assessment.