Online lead generation.
The life blood of any sales company is a healthy flow of qualified sales prospects.

We are very experienced in providing perfectly matching prospects for you to convert into sales and subsequent profit.
Online lead generation is easy, however qualified prospecting requires a skill set based on analysis of what works and what performs best.
The best of sales managers will always prefer any lead to no lead, because the outcome of no lead is set in stone: no lead = no sales. However a flow of unqualified leads fed to a sales team can have a damaging effect to the sales team morale. If the sales team feel that the quality of leads is poor, it will inevitably cause a blame culture to develop within the sales team and closing percentages and efficiencies will fall through the floor.
We understand and we deliver solutions, time after time.
Having created and managed large strong sales teams for clients over the last decade, we are all too aware of the pitfalls. Spending time understanding the profile of the buying customer, we tailor our lead generation efforts to deliver in a controllable manner well qualified prospects.
We deliver within budget and on time, and as mentioned, it is fully controllable; turn up the volume, turn it down; shut it off. It is that flexibility that makes our lead generation programs perfect for the majority of sales teams, whether new start-ups or established and expanding, new full on program or just for a toe-dipping test. We have done it all.
Using social media, general web article content, PR features, pay-per-click campaigns, telesales, promotional venue, offline and online, we help create a perfect efficient mix of sources to meet budget and forecast requirements.
More about BTLMG.
We are a marketing company with decades of experience in the front lines of increasing sales opportunities. Our experience led us to form our own unique online service which we have provided to our clients since 2002.
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